
  • Special Order Item. All sales final. No Refunds, No Revisions or Cancellations.
  • Estimated delivery 120 days.
  • The sale of this product is also restricted in the States of California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, and may be restricted in other local jurisdictions. It is the customer's responsibility to be aware of and abide by all applicable local laws.
  • By registering with this site, you confirm that you are of appropriate age to purchase ammunition magazines and there are no local, state or federal laws prohibiting you from purchasing, receiving or owning ammunition.
  •     Due to market conditions and manufacturer's limitations, we do not have a guaranteed delivery time for this item. This item is a special order item and as such must be prepaid. The order can not be canceled, revised, returned or refunded. By placing this order, you acknowledge that your credit card will be charged at the time your order is placed and it may take an undetermined amount of time to fill this order due to the custom nature of the item, the backlog of orders for the item or extensive demand for the item and no credit or refund will be issued for any cancellation of this item.